Mastodon - 2023-02-22T06:09:42Z


“[W]e have identified six cognitive challenges facing clinicians who want to apply EBM in their practice.

1. Characterizing problems
2. Gauging confidence in the evidence
3. Deciding what to do when the generally accepted best practices conflict with professional expertise
4. Applying simple rules to complex situations
5. Revising treatment plans that do not seem to be working
6. Considering remedies that are not best practices“

Mastodon Source 🐘

“We should regard best practices as provisional, not optimal, as a floor rather than a ceiling. When we label an approach a best practice, it tends to become a ceiling that is hard to change even as more knowledge is gained. Instead, we can identify provisional best practices that serve as a floor while learning goes forward. It is a move from “best practices” to “better practices” that frees us from undocumented anecdotal approaches and forces a commitment to continual improvement.”

Mastodon Source 🐘