Mastodon - 2023-05-26T15:47:12Z


Summary notes for "Resilience is a Verb"

TL;DR: Resilience is better thought of in terms of a system's potential capacity, rather than a state to be achieved. Adaptive capacity is "the potential for adjusting patterns of activities to handle future changes in the kinds of events, opportunities and disruptions experienced." Systems run in a degraded mode, continually experience SNAFUs, and are sustained by the adaptive responses of people (SNAFU Catchers).

Mastodon Source 🐘

One way I try to keep this in mind is to imagine before the system existed. All was effectively "failure to produce desired outcomes". People worked together to co-create the illussion of stability.

And since conditions, tempo, and scale have always changing, there's never been a point where the system switched from continual co-creation to pre-existing truth.

Mastodon Source 🐘