Mastodon - 2023-05-28T04:22:03Z


“Our solution combines caching, deduplication, erasure coding, and sparse loading to take advantage of our needs. Without adding any customer visible complexity…we were able to achieve our scale and cold-start latency goals, while having significant headroom for future scaling.”

Brooker, Marc, Mike Danilov, Chris Greenwood, and Phil Piwonka. 2023. “On-Demand Container Loading in AWS Lambda.” ArXiv [Cs.DC]. arXiv.

Mastodon Source 🐘

“Approximately 80% of newly uploaded Lambda functions result in zero unique chunks, and are just re-uploads of images that had been uploaded in the past. This appears to be primarily driven by automated testing and deployment (CI/CD) systems. Of the remaining 20% of functions that create at least one unique chunk (and therefore aren’t just trivial reuploads), the mean upload contains 4.3% unique chunks, and the median 2.5% unique chunks”

Mastodon Source 🐘