"In software design, we lack such a visualization – especially one that not only supports us in reasoning about a solution design but which also lets us discuss the required solution properties with the requirer. Sure, we have ways to visualize our solution designs like, e.g., UML but they are of quite limited use – especially regarding discussions with the requirer."
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Another area that would benefit from visualizations is commit to delivery availability. If commits are the inventory we're managing, creating a shared visualization would help surface network bottlenecks.
I often see comments about how "engineering isn't moving fast enough" (which may be true). The bespoke measurement cost to figure out the active constraint can be enormous. That system also has to be maintained to ensure ratchet-style improvements over time.
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GOOG's InSession tooling synthesizes developer events from log statements and the paper has 15 authors (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9159122). That's likely a good investment for a 30k dev group, but many orgs can't fund a dedicated group to build an internal "Developer Distributed Tracing System".
I would love to see a workflow tool that enabled me to produce MoM/YoY commit to delivery duration histograms.
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TL;DR; Like Zipkin, but for the system people are working in.
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I haven't used anything like this in anger - it seems like the visualizations shown would be relevant to answering the question "why is it taking so long"?