Mastodon - 2024-03-12T06:13:15Z


"A name also has the power to take a laundry list of items/bugs/tickets and turn them into something that you can communicate about…This grouping of items can also make it easier to measure impact: A few individual work items might not drastically change the product quality or NPS (net promoter score), but a grouping of enough of them could have a measurable impact on these types of metrics.”

Mastodon Source 🐘

Adding to this insight - naming something and associating it with a larger (potentially measurable) outcome can create space for the team to propose new ideas. It can help move conversation from output based (close the known tickets) to outcome based (increase NPS score, closing the tickets as a byproduct). It may cause new work items to be created - some of which may completely obsolete the known ones.

Mastodon Source 🐘